New beginnings: Church Barn in Summer

Church Barn is an 18th-century building near Braintree, in the heart of Essex. The converted building was originally surrounded by a garden made up of two parts. A large area behind the house was laid out as a lawn, and much of the area to the front of the house was taken up by a parking area.

The two parts of the garden were originally divided by high brick walls, and it was a big decision to knock one of those walls down. By substituting it with an elegant fence made from mild steel, however, we retained some sense of enclosure, while also creating a connection between the two parts of the garden. The new arrangement also maximised space at the front of the house, so that we have been able to forge a terrace from an area originally used only for parking.

We have replaced the lawn with a substantial area of perennial planting that is guaranteed to attract birds, butterflies and beneficial insects. Two grasses – Sesleria autumnalis and Sporobolus heterolepis – dominate, unifying the design and creating the matrix into which we have blended sheets of bulbs and over a thousand perennials, ensuring interest from end to end of the year.

Added to this mix are ten new multistem trees. Among them are our trademark amelanchiers, as well as those other spring flowerers and autumn entertainers – Clerodendrum trichotomum, Koelreuteria paniculata and Magnolia x loebneri ‘Merrill’.

The site is crossed by meandering gravel paths leading to three areas – one created for sunbathing, one centred on the fire pit, and another on a sunny spot conceived for enjoying a morning coffee.

Finally, we clad the barn and the brick wall with climbing roses such as ‘Claire Austin’, ‘Mortimer Sackler’ and ‘The Generous Gardener’.

The protagonists of the Summer peak are grasses like the Sesleria autumnalis, Stipa ichu and Calamagrostis acutiflora ‘Karl Foester’ alongside perennials like Sedum ‘José Aubergine’, Agastache ‘Blue fortune’ and Sanguisorba canadensis.

See the pictures of Spring here

See the pictures of Autumn here

Photography: Alister Thorpe

Landscape construction: Shoots and Leaves


Perennial Plant Association – Awards of Excellence (2023)

Society of Garden Designers – SGD Awards Winner, UK (2024) – The Judges’ Award

Society of Garden Designers – SGD Awards Winner, UK (2024) – Medium Residential Landscapes & Gardens

Society of Garden Designers – SGD Awards Winner, UK (2024) – Design for the Environment

Garden Masterclass

We hope you find the transformation of this garden inspiring and relevant to your own projects. We believe the various elements of our design will help spark your creativity as you further develop your own garden.

Why not watch our Garden Masterclass, specifically focused on this project? You’ll see how we transformed this space from its original state into a lush and vibrant garden, where ecology, biodiversity, and attention to detail drive our nature-inspired design.

In this session, we explore the distinctive design elements that make each project unique. Additionally, we emphasize our commitment to celebrating nature and supporting local wildlife—an essential part of our design philosophy.

Feel free to reach out, say hello, and let us know your thoughts after watching the Garden Masterclass.

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